S.I.H. Karatzas
S.I.H. (Sophie) Karatzas holds a PhD-candidate position at the Criminal Law & Criminology department. Her research consists of an empirical legal study on the pedagogical approach in Dutch juvenile criminal proceedings. More specifically, Sophie aims to examine how and to what extent this approach of the Dutch juvenile criminal justice system is realised during trial proceedings and in final judgments.
Prior to starting her PhD research, Sophie worked as a lecturer at Maastricht University. She graduated from UM in 2022 and completed the master Forensics, Criminology and Law (specialisation in Criminal Law) and the master Dutch Law (specialisation Private Law). She received a cum laude designation for both masters.
During her studies, Sophie worked as a clerk at the District Court of Limburg and did internships at law firms in Maastricht. She volunteered at VluchtelingenWerk Nederland, the Kinder- en Jongerenrechtswinkel Limburg and the Studenten Rechtsbureau Maastricht. She also wrote articles for 'Het Rechtenstudentje', an online news platform.
Sophie teaches subjects relating to criminal law and criminal procedure. Additionally, she supervises theses in both the Dutch Law and European Law School bachelor programmes as well as in the master Forensics, Criminology and Law.