Stefan Danilishin (S. L.)

Dr Stefan Danilishin is an Associate Professor of Physics (UHD) at the Maastricht University. His research interests are in the domain of quantum measurement and quantum noise in GW detectors.  

Current research topics include:

  • quantum noise mitigation and surpassing the Standard Quantum Limit (SQL) in the large-scale gravitational-wave interferometers
  • development of quantum non-demolition (QND) schemes based on speed measurement for future generation GW detectors
  • development of novel time-dependent back-action-evasion readout techniques for ultra-precise optomechanical sensors
  • study of the influence of imperfections and asymmetries of a realistic experimental QND schemes on their quantum noise-limited performance
  • using quantum optomechanics for testing foundations of quantum mechanics and gravity at macroscopic level
Career history

Before moving to Maastricht in the end of 2019, he worked at the University of Hannover/Max-Planck-Instittute for Grravitational Physics (Albert-Einstein-Institute), in the University of Glasgow (UK), University of Western Australia (Australia) and the M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University (Russia). He did his PhD (2005) on advanced quantum measurement techniques for gravitational-wave interferometry under the supervision of Prof. Farid Khalili in the research group led by Prof. Vladimir Braginsky in the M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, and held postdoctoral and faculty positions there before moving to Australia in 2012.