Dr Rogier Deumes (R.W.J.)
Career history
I’m an Assistant Professor at Maastricht University School of Business and Economics (SBE) and program director of Maastricht University UMIO’s continuing education programs for (supervisory) board members, accountants, and controllers. I also serve as Academic Manager of SBE’s Thesis-Internship Program (TIP). In my teaching role, I’m responsible for coordinating and teaching courses on corporate governance in various programs. My current research interests are also in the field of corporate governance, with a focus on long term sustainable value creation and better alignment of interests of various stakeholders, including society as a whole. This includes boards’ responsibilities for the transformation towards a more sustainable society, in response to a number of urgent social-ecological problems. My prior research has been published in academic journals, and I have also been involved in commissioned research projects for different companies and institutions, including the Big 4 accounting firms and the European Commission. For "Maandblad voor Accountancy en Bedrijfseconomie" (MAB), I serve as subject editor Management Information. Within SBE, I further serve as member of the MSc Admissions Committee. In case of questions on any of the above, please feel free to contact me.