Debie, V. H. J., Boymans, T. A. E. J., Ottenheijm, R. P. G., van Schayck, O. C. P., & Gidding-Slok, A. H. M. (2024). Expanding the ABCC-tool for osteoarthritis: Development and content validation. Osteoarthritis and Cartilage Open, 6(3), Article 100488.
Alabdali, L. A. S., Winkens, B., Dinant, G.-J., van Alfen, N., & Ottenheijm, R. P. G. (2022). Shoulder muscle changes in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus who have a painful shoulder: a quantitative muscle ultrasound study. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 23(1), Article 674.
van Doorn, P. F., Schiphof, D., Rozendaal, R. M., Ottenheijm, R. P. G., van der Lei, J., Bindels, P. J. E., & de Schepper, E. I. T. (2022). The use and safety of corticosteroid injections for shoulder pain in general practice: a retrospective cohort study. Family Practice, 39(3), 367-372.
van Hulten, V., Sarodnik, C., Driessen, J. H. M., Schaper, N. C., Geusens, P. P. M. M., Webers, C. A. B., Dinant, G.-J., Ottenheijm, R. P. G., Rasmussen, N. H., Viggers, R., Stehouwer, C. D. A., van der Kallen, C. J. H., Schram, M. T., Bours, S. P. G., Dagnelie, P. C., & van den Bergh, J. P. (2022). Prevalent Morphometrically Assessed Vertebral Fractures in Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes, Prediabetes and Normal Glucose Metabolism: The Maastricht Study. Frontiers in Endocrinology, 13, Article 832977.
van Zundert, P. G. E., Masci, L., Schmitz, M., & Ottenheijm, R. (2022). Effectiveness of Ultrasound-Guided Interventions on Neovascularization in Achilles Tendinopathy: a Scoping Review. SN Comprehensive Clinical Medicine, 4, Article 231.
den Boer, P. K. W., Schulte, G., Muris, D. M. J., Deckers, P., Bemelmans, Y. F. L., Schotanus, M. G. M., Winkens, B., & Ottenheijm, R. P. G. (2022). Prognosis of shoulder pain in those with and without a psychological disorder: A prospective cohort study with a six-month follow-up. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 35(6), 1191-1201.
Willems, J., Ottenheijm, R., Pluim, B. M., Portegies, P., & van der Woude, D. (2022). Schouderklachten: Artikel voor onderwijs en opleiding. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor Geneeskunde, 166, Article D6848.
Louwerens, J., & Ottenheijm, R. (2021). De behandeling van calcificerende tendinopathie van de schouder. Huisarts en Wetenschap, 64(11), 58-63.
van Doorn, P. F., de Schepper, E. I. T., Rozendaal, R. M., Ottenheijm, R. P. G., van der Lei, J., Bindels, P. J., & Schiphof, D. (2021). The incidence and management of shoulder complaints in general practice: a retrospective cohort study. Family Practice, 38(5), 582-588.
Verdonk, D. L., Spigt, M., Passos, V. L., Klemann-Harings, S. E. J. M., & Ottenheijm, R. P. G. (2021). Phenotyping the shoulder patient based on ultrasound-detected pathologies: a cross-sectional study in general practice. Family Practice, 38(3), 313-320.