Rianne Reijs (R.P.)

At Maastricht University my work consists of research in the field of social medicine. On the one hand, leading the Living Lab Youth, a coalition of many partners involved in growing up, raising and education of youth in our region. The Living Lab Youth aims at learning and improvement, by conducting action research in daily practice,  amongst other activities.

On the other hand, guiding medical docters persuing their specialization in social medicine in their scientific internships at our department. From all over The Netherlands, interns choose to join our research regarding vaccination hesitancy, early life stress/adverse childhood experiences or they set up their own project for instance on deviation of skull growth in infants. Such a broad field I attend to, nice!

In my own daily work as a physician in Society and Health (Social Medicine), I connect working in Youth Health Care with training collegues (students and specialists in training), innovation,  policy, professionalisation and academic research.