WSP Education
WSP offers a master’s programme in Work and Organisational Psychology, with a strong focus on the cognitive aspects of work, and offers a double degree programme with the University of Seville, Spain. The Applied Social Psychology group contributes to the master’s programme in Health and Social Psychology, and both sections contribute to the Master Human Decision Science of the School of Business and Economics at Maastricht University.
Master's education
WSP contributes education and research expertise to the following Master’s programmes:
Psychology: Work and Organisational Psychology
Which working conditions help prevent mental fatigue? What determines the effectiveness of a team? And how do you stimulate innovation? These are some of the topics that a Work and Organizational Psychologist studies. A one-year master's programme, or an International Joint Master of Research together with University of Valencia and Leuphana University.
Psychology: Health and Social Psychology
Includes courses on self-regulation, bad habits and manipulation. You’ll learn to analyse the underlying mechanisms of unhealthy or antisocial behaviour using recent theories and models from various psychological disciplines. You will also learn how to plan behaviour change programmes. You can become a researcher or work in communication planning, health promotion, or policy-making.
Human Decision Science
Combines economic and game-theoretic decision analysis with the human factors of psychology, including rationality, biases, and emotions. Study facets of both fields, from the neuropsychological basis of decision-making to the mechanics behind decisions on a macro-level. Graduates will be able to work on complex decision-making problems.