Lecture Series

With the lecture series MaCSBio strives to bring renown national and international researchers in the field of Systems Biology and Personalized Medicine to Maastricht University. The lectures provide an inspirational atmosphere and foster collaboration with high profile researchers outside Maastricht.

Upcoming lectures

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Previous Lectures

24 October - 13:00 A workflow for personalized genome-scale modeling of metabolism in human organs and the microbiome
Dr. Almut Heinken
Inserm 1256 unit (NGERE-nutrition-genetics and exposure to environmental risks) /  University of Lorraine, Nancy, France
05 June - 15:00 Tackling the complexity of ageing with systems approaches
Prof. João Pedro de Magalhães
Genomics of Ageing and Rejuvenation Lab / University of Birmingham
13 March - 15:45 Decoding Higher-Order Cognition from Invasive Neural Signals
Dr. Christian Herff
Assistant Professor, Department of Neurosurgery at Maastricht University


28 November - 17:00 Mapping secreted proteins to unmet medical needs
Dr. Thach Mai
Juvena Therapeutic
26 September - 16:00 Brain-inspired deep learning
Prof. Marcel van Gerven
Radboud University
05 July - 15:00 Role of interferon signalling in brain aging
Dr. Ozgun Gokce
LMU, Munich, Germany


22/11 - 17:00 Advances in Metabolic Modeling Tools
Dr. Christopher Henry
Argonne National Laboratory
21/05 - 09:00-10:00 Prediction and memory of sounds: Evidence from brain studies across species
Dr. Ryszard Aukstulewicz
Max Planck Institute for Empirical Aesthetics/City University of Hong Kong


16/10/2020 A spatially-resolved human cell model and its application to RNA processing
Dr. Zhaleh Ghaemi
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


18/11/2019 Computational tools for Regenerative Medicine
Dr. Aurélie Carlier
MERLN Institute for Technology Inspired Regenerative Medicine


27/11/2018 Modelling brain energy metabolism
Prof. Renaud Jolivet
University of Geneva
01/10/2018 Magnetic resonance spectroscopy to study human brain
Prof. dr. Gosia Marjanska
University of Minnesota
11/07/2018 In silico investigation of individual bile acid dynamics and Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass-induced elevation of bile acid concentrations
Ir. Fianne Sips
TU Eindhoven


14/07/2017 Exciting cells on-a-chip: relevance for neurodevelopmental disorders
Dr. Monica Frega
08/02/2017 Molecular reclassification of immune mediated disease for Personalised Medicine purposes: Are we beyond fiction?
Prof. T. Radstake