TEFAF Oncology Chair

In 2005, the Board of the TEFAF decided to support medical cancer research by appointing a personal chair in the field of Oncology at the University Hospital Maastricht (azM) and the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences. The visiting (international) professor will stimulate both the current medical research and training of doctors and researchers, as well as broaden knowledge and skills, also in the Euregion Meuse-Rhine. The visiting professor will function within GROW - Research Institute for Oncology and Reproduction. A TEFAF fellowship is linked to the TEFAF Chair. This fellowship enables a young scientist (PhD student, postdoc level) to perform part of their research in the lab of the visiting professor. Fellowship exchange experiences are presented at the annual GROW Science Day.

Previous chairs

Year Name Affiliation Expertise
2018 prof.dr. Chris Wild IARC, Lyon Cancer Prevention
2017 prof. Jan Hoeijmakers Erasmus University DNA repair
2016 prof. dr. Carl Figdor RIMLS, Nijmegen Immunology
2015 prof. Douglas Hanahan ISREC Lausanne Cancer biology
2014 prof. dr. Hans Clevers Hubrecht Lab/KNAW Cell biology
2013 prof. dr. Aaron Ciechanover IIT, Haifa Cell biology/chemistry
2012 prof. dr. Harald zur Hausen DKFZ, Heidelberg Viral oncogenesis
2011 prof. Sir David Lane A-Star Singapore TP53
2010 prof. dr. Catherine Verfaillie KU Leuven Stem cells
2008/9 prof. dr. Robert J. Gillies University of Arizona Imaging/Radiology
2006/7 prof. dr. J.G. Herman John Hopkins University Medical Oncology

For more information about the previous chairs contact secretariaat-grow@maastrichtuniversity.nl.