IDS Publications
Institute of Data Science
(This listing is a live report generated by PURE)
Nair, S., & Iamnitchi, A. (2024). Cross-community affinity: A polarization measure for multi-community networks. Online Social Networks and Media, 43-44, Article 100280. information about this publication
Panoutsopoulos, H., Espejo-Garcia, B., Raaijmakers, S., Wang, X., Fountas, S., & Brewster, C. (2024). Investigating the effect of different fine-tuning configuration scenarios on agricultural term extraction using BERT. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture, 225, Article 109268. information about this publication
Esposito, M., Valente, G., Plasencia-Calaña, Y., Dumontier, M., Giordano, B. L., & Formisano, E. (2024). Bridging auditory perception and natural language processing with semantically informed deep neural networks. Scientific Reports, 14(1), Article 20994. information about this publication
Aghaei, S., Celebi, R., Kreuzthaler, M., & Schulz, S. (2024). From Clinical Information Systems to Personalized Health Knowledge Graphs. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics, 316, 1463-1464. information about this publication
Kaushal, R., Van De Kerkhof, J., Goanta, C., Spanakis, G., & Iamnitchi, A. (2024). Automated Transparency: A Legal and Empirical Analysis of the Digital Services Act Transparency Database. In 2024 ACM Conference on Fairness, Accountability, and Transparency, FAccT 2024 (pp. 1121-1132). Association for Computing Machinery. information about this publication
Sijstermans, R., Sun, C., & Hortal, E. (2024). Mitigating Class Imbalance in Time Series with Enhanced Diffusion Models. In Bioinspired Systems for Translational Applications: From Robotics to Social Engineering: 10th International Work-Conference on the Interplay Between Natural and Artificial Computation (pp. 389-399). Springer Nature. information about this publication
Khetharpal, B., Khanooja, A., Verma, A., Ankita, A., & Kaushal, R. (2024). Understanding Influence Operations via Images. In R. Heiberger, U. Gadiraju, M. Spaniol, K. Kinder-Kurlanda, A. Falenska, A. Mashhadi, J. Sun, S. Kaiser, & S. Staab (Eds.), Companion Proceedings of the 16th ACM Web Science Conference, Websci Companion 2024 - Reflecting on the Web, AI and Society (pp. 115-119). Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). information about this publication
de Zegher, I., Norak, K., Steiger, D., Mueller, H., Kalra, D., Scheenstra, B., Cina, I., Shulz, S., Uma, K., Kalendralis, P., Lotmam, E.-M., Benedikt, M., Dumontier, M., & Celebi, R. (2024). Artificial intelligence based data curation: enabling a patient-centric European health data space. Frontiers in medicine, 11, Article 1365501. information about this publication
Dumontier, M., Kirrane, S., Seneviratne, O., Buil-Aranda, C., Lobo, J., & Olmedo, F. (2024). Differential privacy and SPARQL. Semantic web, 15(3), 745-773. information about this publication
Kirrane, S., Seneviratne, O., & Dumontier, M. (2024). Editorial of the special issue on semantic technologies for data and algorithmic governance. Semantic web, 15(3), 643-645. information about this publication
Sulis, E., Caro, L. D., & Nanda, R. (2024). Introduction for computer law and security review: special issue "knowledge management for law". Computer Law and Security Review, 52, Article 105949. information about this publication
Caufield, J. H., Hegde, H., Emonet, V., Harris, N. L., Joachimiak, M. P., Matentzoglu, N., Kim, H., Moxon, S., Reese, J. T., Haendel, M. A., Robinson, P. N., & Mungall, C. J. (2024). Structured Prompt Interrogation and Recursive Extraction of Semantics (SPIRES): a method for populating knowledge bases using zero-shot learning. Bioinformatics, 40(3), Article btae104. information about this publication
Kumar, P., Hendriks, T., Panoutsopoulos, H., & Brewster, C. (2024). Investigating FAIR data principles compliance in horizon 2020 funded Agri-food and rural development multi-actor projects. Agricultural Systems, 214, Article 103822. information about this publication
Mwenje, E., & Kumar, P. (2024). Challenges for mainstreaming climate adaptation in African cities. A case study of Kigali, Rwanda. Landscape and Urban Planning, 245, Article 105017. Advance online publication. information about this publication
Stadler, C., Saleem, M., Mehmood, Q., Buil-Aranda, C., Dumontier, M., Hogan, A., & Ngonga Ngomo, A. C. (2024). LSQ 2.0: A linked dataset of SPARQL query logs. Semantic web, 15(1), 167-189. information about this publication
Loesch, J., van Lier, I., de Boer, A., Scholtes, J., Dumontier, M., & Celebi, R. (2024). Automated identification of healthier food substitutions through a combination of graph neural networks and nutri-scores. Journal of Food Composition and Analysis, 125, Article 105829. information about this publication
Bertaglia, T. F. C. (2024). Decoding digital influence: Computational insights into monetisation, controversy, and compliance in the creator economy. [Doctoral Thesis, Maastricht University]. Maastricht University. information about this publication
Wang, X., & Brewster, C. (2024). Forgetting in Knowledge Graph Based Recommender Systems. In E. Benkhelifa, A. Cuzzocrea, O. Gusikhin, & S. Hammoudi (Eds.), Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications, DATA 2024 (pp. 309-317). SCITEPRESS. information about this publication
Hasnain, A., Dumontier, M., Tirado, A. M., & Rebholz-Schuhmann, D. (2024). Preface. In Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Semantic Web Solutions for Large-scale Biomedical Data Analytics- SeWebMeDa-2024 (Vol. 3726). CEUR Workshop Proceedings.More information about this publication
Hasnain, A., Dumontier, M., Tirado, A. M., & Rebholz-Schuhmann, D. (Eds.) (2024). Proceedings of the 7th International Workshop on Semantic Web Solutions for Large-scale Biomedical Data Analytics - SeWebMeDa-2024. CEUR Workshop Proceedings. CEUR Workshop Proceedings information about this publication
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