FASoS Achterzijde HvT

Graduate School of Arts & Social Sciences

We train talented, young people in order to become independent researchers and teachers. Our research is interdisciplinary, encompassing questions of Europeanisation, globalisation, scientific and technological development, political change and cultural innovation. We are interested in how today’s societies cope with and reflect these challenges in various ways, from artistic expressions and practices of remembrance to specific forms of governance and political integration to strategies for managing knowledge, technologies and risks.

The Graduate School focuses on the acquisition of research skills, intensive supervision, and collaboration with other PhD candidates and senior staff inside and outside the Faculty. As such, PhD candidates have the opportunity to develop a broad range of skills. Most PhD candidates carry out teaching within the context of bachelor’s and master’s programmes.

Interviews with (graduated) FASoS PhD candidates

Observers observed

This year, Lea Beiermann earned her PhD from Maastricht University. Her dissertation, A co-operation of observers, examines the role of amateur microscopists in the late 19th century. For her research, she made use of citizen science, similar to the microscopists in her book. One of her supervisors...


Fair healthcare in primary care plus centres in Maastricht

Willemine Willems, PhD candidate at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, defended her dissertation 'Connected at the joints; Calibrating knowledge, morals and health care' on 10 September 2021. In her dissertation, Willemine researched the fairness of a new type of healthcare: primary care plus...

Willemine Willems

Chinese Sovereign Wealth Funds: geopolitical tools or commercial means?

Adam Dixon and Imogen Liu are both involved in the ERC funded project ‘Legitimacy, Financialization, and Varieties of Capitalism: Understanding Sovereign Wealth Funds in Europe’ (SWFsEUROPE). This project focuses on explaining how Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs) are made legitimate as state actors in...

Adam Dixon and Imogen Liu

“The term ‘foreigner’ does not necessarily have a negative connotation”

Pomme van de Weerd, PhD candidate at the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, defended her dissertation 'Nederlanders and buitenlanders: A sociolinguistic-ethnographic study of ethnic categorization among secondary school pupils’ on 18 November 2020. In her dissertation, Pomme researches how and why...

Pomme van de Weerd