Graduate School of Arts & Social Sciences
We train talented, young people in order to become independent researchers and teachers. Our research is interdisciplinary, encompassing questions of Europeanisation, globalisation, scientific and technological development, political change and cultural innovation. We are interested in how today’s societies cope with and reflect these challenges in various ways, from artistic expressions and practices of remembrance to specific forms of governance and political integration to strategies for managing knowledge, technologies and risks.
The Graduate School focuses on the acquisition of research skills, intensive supervision, and collaboration with other PhD candidates and senior staff inside and outside the Faculty. As such, PhD candidates have the opportunity to develop a broad range of skills. Most PhD candidates carry out teaching within the context of bachelor’s and master’s programmes.
FASoS has a unique organisational structure. Its backbone are four distinct research programmes, each of which is composed by an interdisciplinary team of researchers. While the research programmes form the core of the research activities at FASoS, the faculty also has five centres as specific research hubs and to facilitate interaction with external academic partners and societal stakeholders.

As PhD candidate at FASoS, you will conduct original research that prepares you for a future in academia.

One of the best preparations for starting as PhD candidate, is to receive a degree from one of our Resarch Master's programmes. FASoS Research Master's programmes are primarily research-oriented. They combine training in analytical and research skills with gaining knowledge in a discipline of interest.