Quantum Computing @ UM

Quantum & high-performance computing for physics

Quantum Computing at Maastricht University (QC@UM) is a collaboration between the Department of Advanced Computing Sciences, specialized in Data Sciences and Artificial Intelligence, and Gravitational Waves & Fundamental Physics, specialized in research in gravitational waves and elementary particles.

The aim of the project is to explore the potential of the novel field of Quantum Computers for High-Performance Computing and high-throughput smart data processing that will be required for the future state-of-the-art physics detectors.

The Einstein Telescope

Einstein telescope
Artist Impression of ET by Marco Kraan

Upon its completion in 2035, the Einstein Telescope (ET) will be the most sensitive gravitational wave detector in the world. The Einstein Telescope is set to become 10x more sensitive than its current-generation counterparts, LIGO and Virgo, which should result in an expected 100,000 to 1 million gravitational wave detections of black hole mergers alone, as compared to the current frequency of ~1 per week. In addition, novel exotic types of signals are expected to be found as well.

One of the current standard methods for detecting gravitational waves is a method called ‘matched filtering’, which uses computer-generated templates to compare whether incoming signals match the predicted shape of a gravitational wave. Matched filtering and parameter estimation of the sources will no longer be feasible due to ET's superior sensitivity, necessitating the development of new data analysis techniques.

LHCb detector at the High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC)

LHCb experiment
Image: LHCb/CERN

The Large Hadron Collider at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland, is scheduled to be upgraded for superior performance from 2027 and onwards. Its luminosity will increase tenfold, proportionally increasing the number of particle collisions and allowing physicists to study them in greater detail.

The LHCb detector filters out traces of beauty particles by reconstructing the particles' tracks as they pass through the detector. Relevant tracks are filtered out of the data and saved in real-time, requiring us to rethink computing infrastructure as the number of particle collisions quickly becomes too much to handle. 


  • "Just do the calculations" is a common saying in the field of quantum computing, the development of software for quantum computers. Everything in this field is new; simply doing the math is often the best way to proceed. At Maastricht University, an interdisciplinary group of scientists works in...

  • Programming quantum computers, like the quantum computer itself, is still in its early stages. Quantum computing researchers tend to be physicists, mathematicians, or computer scientists who have a special interest in the mathematical framework of quantum mechanics.

  • Quantum Computers

    What is Quantum?

    Atoms and smaller elementary particles behave in unusual, sometimes unpredictable ways. It sounds strange, but it is this unpredictability that gives a quantum computer its power. Executing precise calculations with previously unheard-of possibilities in a way that physicists still do not completely...

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  • Dr. Pietro Bonizzi
    Coordinator Signal Analysis
  • Dr. Daniel Cámpora
    Coordinator High-Performance Computing
  • Dr. Gideon Koekoek
    Coordinator Gravitational Waves
  • Dr. Jacco de Vries
    Coordinator Particle Physics
  • Dr. Ronald Westra
    Coordinator Research


For questions regarding QC@UM, please send an e-mail to Dr. Ronald Westra via westra@maastrichtuniversity.nl.