Publications of Cancer After Care Guide
Kanera, I.M., Bolman, C.A., Mesters, I., Willems, R.A., Beaulen, A.A., Lechner L. (2016). Prevalence and correlates of healthy lifestyle behaviors among early cancer survivors. BMC Cancer, 5;16(1):4. Doi: 10.1186/s12885-015-2019-x. (IF 3.59)
Kanera, I.M., Willems, R.A.,Bolman, C.A.W., Mesters, I., Zambon, V., Gijsen, Lechner, L.B. (2016).Use and appreciation of the tailored self-management eHealth intervention Kanker Nazorg Wijzer (Cancer Aftercare Guide) for early cancer survivors. Process evaluation of a Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Internet Research, 23; 18(8):e229. Doi: 10.2196/jmir.5975. (IF 7.04)
Kanera, I. M., Willems, R.A., Bolman, C.A., Mesters, I., Verboon, P., Lechner, L. (2017).Long-term effects of a web-based cancer aftercare intervention on moderate physical activity and vegetable consumption among early cancer survivors: a randomized controlled trial. Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act, 14(1):19. doi: 10.1186/s12966-017-0474-2. (IF 4.11)
Willems, R., Mesters, I., Lechner, L., Kanera, I.M., Bolman, C.A.W. (2017). Long-term effectiveness and moderators of a web-based tailored intervention for cancer survivors on social and emotional functioning, depression, and fatigue: randomized controlled trial". Journal of Cancer Survivorship. Doi: 10.1007/s11764-017-0625-0. (IF 3.051)
Willems, R.A., Bolman, C.A., Mesters, I., Kanera, I.M., Beaulen, A.A., Lechner, L. (2016). Cancer survivors in the first year after treatment: The prevalence and correlates of unmet needs in different domains. Psycho-Oncology, 25(1): 51-57. (IF 2.80)
Willems, R.A., Bolman, C.A., Mesters, .I, Kanera, I.M., Verboon, A.A., Lechner, L. (2017). Working mechanisms of a web-based self-management intervention for cancer survivors: a randomised controlled trial. Psychology and Health 32(5):605-625. Doi: 10.1080/08870446.2017.1293054. (IF 2.225)
Willems, R.A., Bolman, C.A., Mesters, I., Kanera, I.M., Beaulen, A.A., Lechner L. (2017). Short-term effectiveness of a web-based tailored intervention for cancer survivors on quality of life, anxiety, depression, and fatigue: randomized controlled trial. Psycho-oncology. Mar 14. Doi: 10.1002/pon.4113. (IF 3.095)
Bolman, C., Eenennaam van, R., Willems, R., Kanera, I., Mesters, I., Lechner, L. (2016). Coping during early cancer survivorship: a 1 year longitudinal study into coping with cancer and possible predictors. Psycho-Oncology, 25, 292 (IF 3.095).
Keeman, M.C., Bolman, C.A.W., Mesters, I., Willems, R.A., Kanera, I.M., Lechner, L. (2018). Psychometric properties of the Dutch extended Cancer Survivors' Unmet Needs measure (CaSUN-NL). Eur J Cancer Care, 7, 2, e12807. Doi: 10.1111/ecc. (IF 2.409)