Dr Paul Schoffelen (P.F.M.)

Paul now works nearly 40 years on development of indirect calorimetry for measuring Human Energy Expenditure. Starting with the construction of whole room calorimeters, followed by developping commercial- and research- small calorimeters for resting metabolic rate up to top sports. He helped develop commercial equipment like Oxycon and Deltatrac and for the past decades worked on a calorimeter branded "Omnical". with an engineering education  focused on signal analysis using analog and digital circuitry, and with applied measurement and control signal analysis. The resulting scientific research provided the oprotunity to also develop and build the Metabolic Research  Unit Maastricht in the years 2007-2011, which is now a large scale scientific infrastructure  MRUM.


electronics engineering

computer engineering and programming

Labview expertise

Network expertise

Gas analysis expertise

knowhow on biological aspects of measuring human energy expenditure

Speaker on, Reviewer and author of relevant scientific work.


Career history

1978 development of a hardware high-speed camera for photographing blood-flow in vivo under a microscope at UM

1980 development of a hardware vido correlator formmeasuring speed of bloodflow  using live camera footage or stored images at UM

1981 development of a television set CTX at Philips Eindhoven

1982 onward development of whole room calorimetry and spin-off units and methods for measuring human energy expenditure at UM

2007 development and build of the MRUM. at UM

2017 PhD defence for work done on measurements of Human Energy Expenditure.

Current work: Consolidation of methods for measuring Human EE in the MRUM.