Past events

  • 24 Apr

    "Solutions for the Housing Shortage" By Piet Eichholtz

    Amidst the ongoing housing crisis in the Netherlands, characterized by a shortage of nearly half a million homes, there is a growing sense of urgency and social distress. Addressing this issue has proven to be challenging, with no immediate remedies in sight.

    However, Piet Eichholtz, through his...

  • 10 Oct
    17:00 - 22:00

    (on)bespreekbaar – praat mee over vrouwengezondheid!

    Op 10 oktober 2023 gaan wij graag in gesprek met jou! Help jij ons verschillende taboes te doorbreken? Praat dan met ons over vrouwengezondheid.

  • 13 Jul
    12:00 - 13:30

    Data Science Expert Series

    The Data Science Expert Series aims to bring together data science experts from around the world to Maastricht University, in order to discuss groundbreaking work.

  • 26 Mar
    13:30 - 15:30

    Virtual Experience Day | MSc Systems Biology | 9 April

    Curious to find out was it is like to study Systems Biology at Maastricht University? Join our Virtual Experience Day! 

  • 07 Sep
    21:00 - 21:30

    Can you trust a food label?

    Why can some products claim they are good for you, or that you stay healthy by eating them?

  • 29 Aug 31 Aug
    09:30 - 20:00

    Campus Venlo - Introduction days

    During these Introduction Days you will meet your fellow students, you will receive information about your study, the Campus organisation, our building in which you will be studying, the teaching system, etc.