Past events

  • 28 Jun 14 Jul
    12:00 - 16:00

    IMAGINARY - Beauty and Power of Mathematics

    The travelling exhibition includes numerous top-quality posters, a series of 3D objects, puzzle setups and several interactive apps that visitors can engage with via large touchscreens.

  • 07 Sep
    21:15 - 21:45

    Artificial intelligence for ancient games

    Cameron Browne will explain how he is applying modern AI techniques to the problem of reconstructing ancient games.

  • 07 Sep
    19:45 - 20:15

    Artificial intelligence for ancient games

    Cameron Browne will explain how he is applying modern AI techniques to the problem of reconstructing ancient games.

  • 07 Sep
    19:00 - 23:00

    Robots in action

    The Department of Data Science and Knowledge Engineering will give various demonstrations to show you how robots analyse the world around them.

  • 06 Sep
    19:00 - 23:00

    Robots in action

    The Department of Data Science and Knowledge Engineering will give various demonstrations to show you how robots analyse the world around them.

  • 05 Sep

    Is the movie Interstellar scientifically correct?

    Nobel-prize winner Kip Thorne has co-written the script for this blockbuster, so we can expect that the physics of the script is 100% truthful, right? Before and after the movie a UM-professor will give you the answers.