Past events

  • 18 Dec
    13:30 - 18:30

    Hanneke Steenbergen Seminar and Award Ceremony 2018

    Seminar, award ceremony and celebration drinks. 


  • 07 Dec
    12:30 - 19:00


    Legal, ethical, economic and technological lessons for a robust data economy.

  • 02 Nov
    13:00 - 18:00

    28ste Maastrichts Fiscaal Symposium: De onzakelijke lening en het MKB

    Tijdens dit symposium wordt de ontwikkeling van de onzakelijke lening (en de onzakelijke borgstelling) centraal gesteld, waarbij ook onderwerpen aan bod komen als de waarderingsproblematiek en de doorwerking richting de MKB-praktijk (zoals bij schenkingen en de terbeschikkingstellingsregeling).

  • 01 Nov
    09:00 - 13:30

    25 Years Maastricht Treaty

    Celebrating the successes and facing the challenges

  • 11 Oct 12 Oct

    The 'Private' in Private International Law

    The Maastricht Private Law Lecture, hosted by the Maastricht Department of Private Law, is an annual event at which a most distinguished scholar is invited to give a lecture on a topic related to the wide field of private law. The lecture will be followed by an interactive seminar with PhD...

  • 10 Oct
    16:00 - 18:00

    Montesquieu Research Meeting

    Montesquieu fellow Petra Gyongyi will present her research on the topic “Judicial reform challenges in Hungary and Romania: Assessing the implementation of EU rule-of-law standards for judicial organization” and Nicole Lazzerini will present her research on the topic “Preliminary reference procedure...

  • 05 Oct
    13:30 - 18:00

    Symposium European citizenship: A pie in the sky?

    Looking back on 25 years of experiences and challenges ahead. Symposium in honour of Prof. Dr. Hans-Ulrich Jessurun d’Oliveira at the occasion of his 85th birthday.

  • 13 Sep
    16:00 - 20:00

    Kick off masters

    Graag nodigen wij jullie uit voor deelname aan een Kick-off kennismakingsbijeenkomst voor de masters Nederlands Recht en Forensica, Criminologie en Rechtspleging, op 13 september 2018, van 16.00 - 20.00 uur.

  • 10 May
    09:30 - 17:00

    Psychopharmacology in the courtroom: crimes committed under the influence of medicine use

    One day conference with presentations given by a selected group of invited speakers, representing different scientific and legal disciplines.