Ioannis Diamantis (I.D.)

I am a geometric-topologist and my primary area of research is knot theory, braid groups and 3-manifolds. My research focuses on the construction of Jones-type invariants for knots and links in 3-manifolds other than the 3-sphere (skein modules), using knot algebras and Markov traces.

-- Organizing of Conferences & Workshops:

  • In 2025 I will co-organize the international conference "The theory of periodic tangles and their interdisciplinary applications" at Tohoku University Japan, followed by a successful application of the Junior Research Program.
  • I am a local organizer of the first knot theory congress for the celebration of Prof. Kauffman's 80th birthday that will take place in February 2025.
  • I co-organized the “Circuit Topology III” Workshop, 2023 @Leiden University, The Netherlands, November 29, 2023.


---------- Research ----------

-- I am currently writing a book for the series De Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics for De Gruyter Publishers, together with Boštjan Gabrovšek (Slovenia), Sofia Lambropoulou (Greece) and Maciej Mroczkowski (Poland).

-- Research papers:

  • Together with Prof. Sofia Lambropoulou & Dr. Sonia Mahmoudi, we published the research article Directional Invariants of Doubly Periodic Tangles in the journal Symmetry 2024, 16(8), 968. Symmetry is a Top 10% journal in Mathematics (Q1).
  • Together with Prof. Sofia Lambropoulou & Dr. Sonia Mahmoudi we also submitted the following papers for publication:

    -- Equivalence of Doubly Periodic Tangles, arXiv: 2310.00822.

    -- From annular to toroidal pseudo knots, arXiv:2409.03537.

  • Together with my MSc student Fredrik Hobbelhagen, we submitted the paper "A Comparative Study of Symbolic Aggregate        Approximation and Topological Data Analysis" for publication.
  • My paper "A survey on skein modules via braids", arXiv:2311.06556 will appear as a chapter for the Contemporary Mathematics (CONM) book series published by the American Mathematical Society (AMS) (by invitation).
  • My paper The Kauffman bracket skein module of S1xS2 via braids was accepted for publication in the journal "Axioms" (IF: 1.9).
  • My paper The Kauffman bracket skein module of the lens spaces via unoriented braids was published in the Communications in Contemporary Mathematics journal (Q1) (2024).

-- My paper "The Kauffman bracket skein module of the complement of (2, 2p+1)-torus knots via braids" was published in the journal "Topology and Its Applications" (2023).

-- My paper "Knotoids, pseudo knotoids, braidoids and pseudo braidoids on the Torus" was published in the journal "Communications of the Korean Mathematical Society". It is the 3rd most read paper of the journal.

--My latest research on KNOTOIDS has been published with @SpringerNature in Mediterr. J. Math. (Oct.2021). Read here!

--My latest research paper on HOMFLYPT Skein Modules has been published with @Elsevier in "Topology and its Applications" (Sept. 2021). Read here!

-- My latest research on Tied links, has been published with @World Scientific in "J.Knot Theory and it's Ramifications" (June 2021). Read here!

-- My paper "Pseudo links and singular links in the solid torus" was published in the journal Communications in Mathematics, @DeGruyter publishers.


-- Participation In Conferences (Research Presentations) 2021-2025:

  • International Scientific Online Conference Algebraic and Geometric methods of analysis, Ukraine May 27—30 2024. Title of talk (plenary speaker): New combinatorial invariants of doubly periodic tangles.
  • 2023 Mathematics Development Forum, Southeast University, School of Mathematics, Nanjing, P.R. China, Feb. 2023. Title of Talk: Skein modules via braids.
  • 12th International Conference on Mathematical Modeling in Physical Sciences. August 28--31, 2023, Belgrade, Serbia (by invitation). Title of e-talk: Skein modules via braids.
  • Inverse Problems Virtual Meeting, 22—24 July 2022. This meeting was part of the AMS-EMS-SMF 2022, 2nd Joint Congress of Mathematics co-organized by the American Mathematical Society, the European Mathematical Society and the Société Mathématique de France, 18—22 July 2022, Grenoble, France. Video of talk: Skein modules: A braid theoretic approach.
  • "Second Congress of Greek Mathematicians SCGM-2022", July 4--8, 2022, Athens, Greece. Title of talk: Kauffman bracket skein modules via braids.
  • Mathematisches Forschunginstitute OberwolfachGermany, November 21--27, 2021. Hybrid Seminar/ Advanced School: Combinatorial and Geometric Knot Theory. Title of talk: The Kauffman bracket skein module of the complement of the (2, 2p+1)-torus knots via braids.


-- Seminar-Talks 2021-2024

  • University of Amsterdam, Discrete Mathematics and Quantum Information Seminar, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, May 2024. Title of talk: Combinatorics of Doubly Periodic Structures.
  • 2024 Lab's seminar "Knot theory and Low-dimensional topology" of the National Technical University of Athens, Greece. Title of talk: Topological Graphs.
  • 2023 Lab's seminar "Knot theory and Low-dimensional topology" of the National Technical University of Athens, Greece. Title of talk: Skein modules.
  • "Knots and representation theory", e-Seminar on Knot Theory and Related Topics, June 20, 2022. Video of talk: Skein modules: A braid theoretic approach.