Michiel Bron (M.)

Michiel Bron is a PhD Candidate in the recent history of science and technology, focussing on the development of nuclear energy since the Second World War. He investigates the involvement of oil companies in the development of nuclear energy in the age of scarcity, focussing on the 1970s.


For 2020-2024 Michiel is part of the research project "Managing Scarcity and Sustainability: The Oil Industry, Environmentalism, and Alternative Energy in the Age of Scarcity" (NWO grant VI.C.191.067). Other team members are prof.dr. Cyrus Mody (principal investigator), Odinn Melsted (postdoc), and Jelena Stankovic (PhD candidate, oil and solar energy project).


During September-October 2022, Michiel was Robert H.G. Helleman Memorial Graduate Research Fellow at the American Institute of Physics, investigating spillovers between early U.S. geo- and nuclear science and the oil sector.


In 2021, Michiel was awarded a research grant from the Comité d’Histoire de l’Électricité et de l’Énergie (EDF) for his research on oil actors and their involvement in the development of nuclear energy.


In 2018, Michiel obtained a BA in History and in Philosophy, both from the Utrecht University, and a MSc in History and Philosophy of Science from the same university in 2020.