FASoS confers honorary doctorates to Prof. Dr. Liesbet Hooghe and Prof. Dr. Gary Marks

On the occasion of its 30th anniversary, the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASoS) is delighted to have awarded honorary doctorates to Prof. Dr. Liesbet Hooghe and Prof. Dr. Gary Marks for their joint research on multi-level governance, particularly in the context of European integration.

Professors Hooghe and Marks received their honorary doctorates in the St. Janskerk during the celebration of the 48th Dies Natalis of Maastricht University on Friday 26 January. In the morning, FASoS organized a roundtable in their honour. Staff and students had the opportunity to meet both laureates and reflected on the importance of their research.

You can re-watch the conferral of the honorary doctorates via this link.

Below you can find a selection of the photos taken during the roundtable and the awarding of the doctorates.

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