Modderman Prize 2020, honorable mention for Elvira Loibl

Elvira Loibl received an honorable mention from the selection committee of the Modderman Prize 2020 for her thesis, entitled 'The Transnational Illegal Adoption Market. A Criminological Study of the German and Dutch Intercountry Adoption Systems'. She wrote this thesis under the guidance of Prof. A.H. Klip, Prof. S.W.E. Rutten and Prof. E. Wesseling.

The Modderman Prize is awarded once every two years by the Prof. A.E.J. Modderman Foundation, which is affiliated with Leiden University. The prize is awarded to a thesis that demonstrates a special scientific quality and which relates to criminal law or related sciences insofar as they are important for a good understanding of criminal law and which has been defended at a Dutch university.

Previous winners of Criminal Law and Criminology were David Roef, Jeroen Blomsma and Johannes Keiler.

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