28 Oct
16:00 - 17:00

Bioinformatics in Action Seminar - FAIR in Action

The Department of Bioinformatics - BiGCaT regularly organizes seminars and workshops as part of the "Bioinformatics in Action" series.


Topic: FAIR principles

In the upcoming seminar, two speakers will talk about the FAIR principles from a bioinformatics perspective. The Department of Bioinformatics - BiGCaT regularly organizes seminars and workshops as part of the "Bioinformatics in Action" series. 

Event will be hosted onsite (registration required!) and live streamed on Zoom. Contact Martina Summer-Kutmon (martina.kutmon@maastrichtuniversity.nl) if you want to join. 


Lucas Giovanni Uberti-Bona Marin
Scientific programmer
Department of Bioinformatics - BiGCaT, NUTRIM

Title: Making a FAIR cookbook: the FAIR approach
Abstract: The FAIRplus project aims to develop tools and guidelines for making life science data FAIR. This IMI project composed of researchers and EFPIA partners has among other things developed a FAIRplus cookbook with recipes on different steps to make your data more FAIR; a guide of FAIRification tools and performed FAIRification on a number of datasets to give exact examples on how a dataset’s FAIRness can be improved.
On top of the deliverables for the project a big part of the work was on the development of sustainable and effective processes to best employ the available resources. This included the development of both cross-functional and specialized teams that provided unique strategies for problem-resolution and content development.
The main contributions by Maastricht University’s BiGCaT group was to the FAIRplus cookbook, harnessing our expertise in identifier mapping.

Ammar Ammar
PhD student
Department of Bioinformatics - BiGCaT, NUTRIM

Title: A framework for nanosafety data reusability assessment using FAIR maturity indicators
Abstract: Studying nanomaterials, their effects and interactions with biological systems plays a vital role in the development of biological applications of nanotechnology and the improvement of our fundamental understanding of their properties and behavior. However, a systemic problem across the field is the lacking of consistency in experimental reporting. The variability in the published literature regarding the reported experimental and material characterization variables constitutes a significant barrier to progress in such an interdisciplinary field. In recent years, the concept of FAIR data has been on the rise, aiming at making the data Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable. Making the community standards in the nanosafety domain available within the FAIR data reusability aspect R1.3 is of exceptional value for the nanosafety community and could bring outstanding benefits regarding data standardization, sharing and reuse. In this work, we propose a framework for nanosafety data reusability assessment. We created 281 maturity indicators reflecting 12 of the minimum reporting standards in the nanosafety domain. Moreover, we developed a metadata generator web application to generate machine-readable metadata (JSON-LD format) in compliance with the defined maturity indicators. Finally, we created a web application to assess nanosafety-related digital resources' reusability and demonstrated its work with a test case.


Dr. Martina Summer-Kutmon (BiGCaT / MaCSBio)

If you would like to propose a seminar topic or workshop, please do not hesitate to contact us.

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