Update #14: cyber attack UM

 Also read the summary of all the activities of the past weeks.
 Please check our FAQ.
 What works, what doesn’t work (yet)?

Students have already been able to consult their timetable for period 3 for a few days now, but a lot of work is still being done to make all the programmes needed for scheduling fully operational. As a result, the schedule for period 4 will probably become available a little bit later than usual. We try to minimize the delay (23 January at the latest) and hope for everyone's understanding.

No emails lost

For people wondering whether they have received all emails since 23 December: All the emails in question are dated 6 January in Outlook. When you open the mail, you see the actual sending date (anytime between 23 December and 6 January). No emails were lost.​

Systems restored step by step

Regarding the recovery of all affected computer systems, we prioritise the most important central systems, which (mostly) work again. The decentralized systems will be tackled after that. Security is paramount here and we therefore ask for everyone's understanding if things don't work smoothly yet. This may take a while.

Have you already changed your password?

Until now, 27,000 members of the UM community have changed their passwords. We urge everyone to do so as a matter of urgency. Students can log in to the Student Portal. Employees can log in to the UM intranet. You will then be asked automatically to change your password. Please note: do not opt for the "password recovery" option!

Information desks and mailboxes for students and staff

Students who have questions that are not answered in the FAQ and that are not study-related, can send an email to info@m-u.nl. Study related questions can be sent to your own faculty, via the mailboxes below. Staff members can address their units with their questions.

  • Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences: fhml@m-u.nl, Universiteitssingel 50
  • Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience: fpn@m-u.nl, Universiteitssingel 40
  • Faculty of Law: fl@m-u.nl, Bouillonstraat 2
  • Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences: fasos@m-u.nl, Grote Gracht 90/92
  • Faculty of Science and Engineering: fse@m-u.nl, Kapoenstraat 2
  • School of Business and Economics: sbe@m-u.nl, Tongersestraat 53
  • Service centres (University Library, Facility Services & Finance) servicecentra@m-u.nl, Students Services Centre & ICTS: info@m-u.nl
  • Maastricht University Office: muo@m-u.nl 
  • University Libraries: inner city and Randwyck
  • Student Services Centre: Bonnefantenstraat 2

Opening hours callcenter for students

The callcenter can be reached on weekdays from 8:30 until 17:00 at +31 43 38 85 101 or e-mail: info@m-u.nl.

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