UM team among best 4 European Human Rights Moot Court teams

From October 2018 – April 2019, Alexandra Nadasan, Emilia Klebanowski, Florentina Pircher and Ruben Tans have been actively engaged in the 7th edition of the ELSA Human Rights Moot Court Competition (EHRMCC), representing Maastricht University.

The competition received written submissions from over 100 participating university teams by its December 2018 deadline for the written round. Out of this total, the judges ranked Maastricht University’s pair of written memoranda second best and, additionally, awarded our team with the prize for Best Written Submission for the Respondent.

From 22 – 24 February 2019, the students continued their participation in the competition by attending and winning the optional pre-round in Odessa (Ukraine). 

The team concluded its participation in the EHRMCC at the prestigious final round of the competition, which took place in Strasbourg from 14 – 19 April 2019 at the premises of the Council of Europe and the European Court of Human Rights. Maastricht University was the only one out of all teams representing Dutch Universities that qualified for the final round. In Strasbourg, our team made it all the way to the semi-finals. Aside from the abovementioned award for Best Written Submission for the Respondent, Ruben Tans received the award for Best Orator of the quarter-finals. Moreover, the efforts of our students throughout the competition, both individually and as a team, were noted and praised by many – amongst others, by the Permanent Representation of the Netherlands to the Council of Europe, whose representatives keenly followed our students’ achievements in Strasbourg and posted on their official social media channels that the Maastricht University team has made the Netherlands proud through its accomplishments. Their coaches, Šejla Imamović and Jana Trifunović, and the Faculty are very proud of them. Congratulations!

Maastricht University actively supports and participates nearly every academic year in the EHRMCC. Students interested in participating in upcoming editions are referred to the official website of the competition and advised to contact our academic staff members Šejla Imamović and/or Jana Trifunović, who co-coach the EHRMCC.


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