UCM alumnus Tom de Kruif History teacher of the year 2017

Tom de Kruif, history teacher at Rijnlands Lyceum in Sassenheim (NL), was acclaimed: History Teacher of the year 2017. The winner was announced on 28 October during a festive gathering in the Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam, hosted by Diewertje Blok. As winner of the title, de Kruif will be ambassador of Dutch history education for a year.

This is the 4th time the election for the best history teacher is organized in the Rijksmuseum, in cooperation with the educational channel NTR and the Dutch National Archive.

Head of the jury Martine Gosselink about the title winer: “Tom de Kruif is charming and approachable. He knows his profession like no other. Historical thinking, historical reasoning, cause and effect; everything is discussed during his classes. Students experience first-hand that history is about grey areas and nuances. They are given the freedom to connect the past to the present. The jury appreciates Tom’s courage and dedication and entrusts him with the title of history teacher 2017.”

Nowadays Tom de Kruif teaches history to students young and old: from vmbo-t to 6 vwo of the Rijnlands Lyceum in Sassenheim. He studied at University College Maastricht (UCM) where he graduated in 2009. “It has been a long time, but I remember Tom as a serious, hard-working student. We are proud that one of our alumni has been awarded the title of history teacher 2017” says Mark Stout, Vice dean UCM and lecturer of Contemporary World History.

Read the NOS article about Tom de Kruif (in Dutch only).

Foto: Wim Kluvers

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