Sex, Love, Corona | Episode 5 | Am I normal?

Honest talks with UM sexologist Marieke Dewitte and student guests.

Sex, love, intimacy, being single, relationships, masturbation, pornography, sexting, and much more. These are topics that are a part of (most of) our lives, yet we do not talk about them as much as other day-to-day activities. In our podcast Sex, Love, Corona, Marieke Dewitte (sexologist at the Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience) takes the time to talk to student guests about their experiences and how the current corona pandemic impacts sexual relationships and sexual development. And all the while, Marieke enriches these stories with the things she has learned as a sex researcher at Maastricht University.

Episode 5 | Am I normal?

Sex, Love, Corona | Episode 5

Today we’re talking about sex, and specifically the question “Am I normal?”. There are a lot of preconceptions and misconceptions about what is normal or healthy sexual behaviour, fantasies and thoughts. We’re talking about porn, hypersexuality, fantasies and much more.

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