Rectorate handover at 46th Dies Natalis

16 May 2022

The outgoing rector magnificus, Professor Rianne Letschert, transferred her position to Professor Pamela Habibović during a special ceremony at Maastricht University’s 46th Dies Natalis celebration on Thursday 12 May.

At the Dies Natalis celebration, the new rector Pamela Habibovic spoke about the future of Maastricht University and about staying in touch:

“Maastricht has always been a place for people to come together and work together across disciplinary boundaries. I want us to build on that mentality and make an effort to speak each other’s languages. On a personal and a university level. (...) Our ambitions for the future should not be too modest. We won’t become the oldest or the largest Dutch university, but we can become the most impactful.”

At the time of the ceremonial handover, the new rector Pamela Habibović could already look back on a hundred days in office. Before starting in the role, she reflected on her vision around interdisciplinarity, openness and experimentation in an article titled Freedom to experiment.

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Photos: Philip Driessen.

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