Publication report on ‘Liability for letting people work with Chrome-6 in the context of the tROM-project’

Research institute METRO (in cooperation with colleagues from the Faculty of Law) recently finished the research project ‘WP9: Aansprakelijkheid voor blootstelling aan chroom-6 in de context van het tROM-project’, which was commissioned by the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, RIVM. The report (that consists of two parts) became public on Thursday 31 January 2019 and is available here.


Click here to download the report (including annex)

A research consortium led by RIVM examined the possible health effects for (former) employees and participants of the tROM-project of the city of Tilburg. In this tROM-project, maintenance of trains involved working with paint layers that contained chroom-6. In the part of the research that was carried out by METRO, the question is addressed how and whether one can judge about liability of the city of Tilburg. Other questions addressed in the research concern possible (types of) damages and procedural aspects. In the annex the liability of third parties is being examined.

More information and conclusions relating to the research ‘Chroom-6 bij het re-integratieproject tROM: gezondheidsrisico’s en verantwoordelijkheden - Bevindingen uit het onderzoek op hoofdlijnen (RIVM Rapport 2018-0164)’ can be found onthe RIVM website (

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