Prof. dr. Nancy Bocken appointed as Professor Sustainable Business

Prof. dr. Nancy Bocken is appointed as fulltime Professor Sustainable Business at the Maastricht Sustainability Institute – School of Business and Economics, Maastricht University as from 1 March 2020.

Nancy studied at Maastricht University (SBE) and holds a PhD from the University of Cambridge. She worked at the universities of Cambridge, Delft and Lund, and now she returns to Maastricht. The professorship in Sustainable Business will contribute significantly to research and education of the Maastricht Sustainability Institute and the new SBE 2025 Vision.

Nancy received recently the prestigious ERC starting grant for her new project CIRCULAR X. The project will develop a new field of research on experimentation with circular service business models (CSBMs) in the transition to a circular economy. In the upcoming year, Nancy will lead and work on this ambitious project for which new staff will be appointed.

Nancy’s main areas of interest are sustainable business models, business experiments for sustainability, sustainable innovation, scaling up sustainable business, closing the 'idea-action' gap in sustainability, and sufficiency oriented business approaches to slow consumption and resource usage.

Nancy will also be active in teaching and education. Currently, we are exploring the development of a (joint) Master programme Sustainable Business (working title) in the context of the York-Maastricht Partnership.

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