Presentations at HTAi 2019 Annual Meeting in Cologne, Germany

During the HTAi 2019 Annual Meeting “HTA beyond 2020: Ready for the New Decade?” on 15-19 June in Cologne, UM gave oral and poster presentations on intersectoral costs and benefits of mental health interventions. 

HSR News-Presentations at HTAi 2019 Annual Meeting in Cologne, Germany
Ruben Drost, Luca Janssen, Irina Pokhilenko

On June 17, Ruben Drost (UM) presented the poster “Valuing Intersectoral Costs and Benefits of Mental Health Interventions” in the session “Economic Evaluation”. In the presentation, he gave an overview of the methods of costing intersectoral costs and benefits in the education and criminal justice sectors. Later that day, Luca Janssen (UM) presented her study “Inter-sectoral Costs and Benefits of Mental Health Interventions within Criminal Justice” in the session “Health Economics”. In her presentation, Luca highlighted the importance of inclusion of intersectoral costs and benefits in the criminal justice sector in health economic evaluations especially in the context of mental and addictive disorders.

On June 18, Luca Janssen (UM) presented her study “Resource Use Measurement Issues: A Scoping Review” in the session “Health Economics” and provided an overview of current challenges related to the resource use measurement in health economic evaluations. Ruben Drost (UM) presented the poster “Intersectoral Costs and Benefits in the Societal Perspective” in the poster session “Policy Issues, Ethics and Value Frameworks”. He highlighted the variability in conceptualizations of societal perspective in health economic evaluations. 

On June 19, Irina Pokhilenko (UM) presented the findings of her study “Education Costs and Benefits of Mental Health Interventions” in the session “Economic Evaluation of Various Interventions”. She discussed the relevance of including intersectoral costs and benefits in the education sector in health economic evaluations in particular in the context of mental health and psychosocial interventions that target children and adolescents. 

During the presentations, UM team also aimed to raise awareness about the PECUNIA project and invite experts to participate in the upcoming satellite workshop that will take place in Basel, during iHEA congress. The audience showed a lot of interest in the PECUNIA project and especially in its innovative methods, which were highlighted in the oral and poster presentations. 

HSR News-Presentations at HTAi 2019 Annual Meeting in Cologne, Germany 2

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