
  • PhD thesis written by Leonardo Correia Lima Macedo.
    This dissertation investigates the adoption of ad valorem tariffs in association with the WTO rules on customs valuation for countries’ revenue needs. 

  • PhD thesis written by Junmin Zhang.
    The emergency arbitrator mechanism makes interim measures possible for parties involved in international commercial arbitration before the constitution of arbitral tribunals under urgent situations. However, with the development of the emergency arbitrator...

  • Many European borders were closed this spring simply because governments were unable to make agreements about the various national corona measures, and not primarily due to public health considerations. This is the conclusion of the annual Cross-Border Impact Assessment by the Institute for...

  • In border regions, national approaches to managing the corona crisis sometimes seem absurd. This is shown by the Cross-Border Impact Assessment 2020 that expertise centre ITEM publishes today. The report on the cross-border coordination, or non-coordination, of crisis response during the ‘first wave...

  • PhD thesis written by David Bamps.
    Throughout history there’s been a search for a moral compass, but a definitive one has never been found. That could change. Humans are no longer alone on the playing field but are surrounded by new star players: artificial intelligence and robotics. Herein appear...

  • In the field of Behavioural Sciences, Social Sciences and Law, Vigjilenca Abazi has won the  KNAW Early Career Award for her research on the relatively young subject of whistleblowing in the European Union.

  • Looking back on a great online event regarding The EU Green Deal and the Future of the Modern Corporation. Here is a video summary of the webinar - featuring: John Kay (Oxford University), Diederik Samsom (EU), Marlies van Wijhe (Van Wijhe Verf), Dimitri-de Vreeze (DSM Nederland), and Hein...

  • PhD thesis written by Abasse Olossoumare.
    The question raised by this study is to determine, in fact, whether the principle of the free administration of local authorities in general theory of law is a simple legal rule or rather a legal principle.

  • On 20th October 2020, MCEL member Assistant Professor Lilian Tsourdi jointly convened an inter-institutional webinar with Dr. Salvo Nicolosi, Assistant Professor in Utrecht and RENFORCE member. 

  • On 28 October, MCEL members Professor Lisa Waddington and Dr Andrea Broderick presented their Study on The Post-2020 European Disability Strategy at a Workshop on the Protection of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities hosted by the Petition’s Committee of the European Parliament.