
  • Considering the master’s programme Epidemiology at Maastricht University? As a student, you’ll join a broad one-year programme that continuously strives for improvement. After graduation you’ll be eligible to become certified as an Epidemiologist A, and after obtaining a PhD in epidemiology at the...

  • In our interconnected global economy, uncertainty is like a tempest that sweeps across financial markets, businesses, and households. It’s that unsettling feeling when you’re unsure about what lies ahead—the fog that obscures the path forward. But what exactly is economic uncertainty, and why does...

  • The Honours programme is an extracurricular activity for bachelor’s students in year 2 and 3 to showcase their academic skills and teamwork in a real-life project. We talked to Emma van Straten, a Health Sciences student and Honours alumna who organised an international conference on Lama2 in...

  • As a patient in a hospital, you see many different faces at your bedside every day: a nurse measuring your blood pressure, a doctor or nurse practitioner informing you about the care plan, and a nutritionist providing you with the right food and drinks. Although all these caregivers have their own...

  • The VR-enhanced PBL project report produced by EDLAB and DEXLab explores the benefits of integrating VR technology into PBL classrooms.

  • Digitalisation can help support facilitating setting up potential cross-departmental and societal research collaborations for science-centred research and impact creation to deal with ever-increasing complexity of societal challenges. The critique of disciplinary research silos can be corresponded...

  • Maastricht Sustainability Institute (MSI) of Maastricht University School of Business and Economics (SBE) has successfully applied for funding in the ‘Driving Urban Transitions’ program of NWO/ JPI Urban Europe. Three new transdisciplinary projects with international partners have recently started...

  • Alisa moved from Moscow to the Netherlands at 17 years old to become a first-year Regenerative Medicine and Technology (RMT) bachelor’s student. Turns out Alisa’s adventurous spirit pushes her to brand-new things, such as the RMT bachelor’s programme and her hobby Tribal Fusion dancing.

  • SBE took first place in the Rotterdam School of Management Star Case Competition (RSMCC). The competition welcomed 16 top-level international business teams of four students, who were tasked with tackling two real-life business cases.

  • Higher air pollution increases the likelihood of people voting for opposition parties rather than ruling parties. This is the major finding of research by Nico Pestel, a scientist at the Research Centre for Education & Labour Market (ROA) at the Maastricht School of Business and Economics.