Nice to meat: plenty of interest in food innovations from Limburg

The latest developments and opportunities in the field of food innovation from Brightlands/Limburg were presented and discussed at the Nice to meat on 26 September in The Hague. Among other things, there was a presentation on in vitro meat, which is currently being developed by MosaMeat at the Brightlands Maastricht Health Campus.

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The meeting was a joint initiative by the Province of Limburg, Maastricht University and Brightlands. Members of parliament, journalists and other interested parties learned more about food innovations. Brightlands Campus Greenport Venlo’s director, Saskia Goetgeluk, presented several companies on and around the campus: Scelta Mushrooms, TastyBugs, Kipster and Livar.

The meat of the matter though was the question when we can buy in vitro hamburgers or steaks at a reasonable price. MosaMeat’s Peter Verstrate predicted that itwill take a few more years, but there is no doubt that it will happen in the near future.

Following Nice to meat, there was a round-table discussion in the Tweede Kamer (Dutch House of Representatives) about in vitro meat. A video report is to follow. Food innovations will also be central to the Dutch Agri Food Week, from 5 October on the Brightlands campus in Venlo.

Visit the Brightlands website.

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