
  • When nitrous oxide (laughing gas) is used recreationally, its presence remains detectable in the breath and bloodstream for at least 60 minutes after inhalation, and the development of an instrument to measure it is technically feasible. These were among the findings of a study at Maastricht...

  • Why do innocent people sometimes spend years in prison? EUREX is a registry of miscarriages of justice in Europe that ultimately led to exonerations. The aim is to prevent such mistakes being made in future.

  • Twee wetenschappers van Universiteit Maastricht (UM), Keri Vos en Iskander de Bruycker, krijgen een Vidi-beurs van €800.000,- voor hun onderzoeksprojecten.

  • Milene Bonte, professor of Cognitive Neuroscience of Language and Literacy Development at UM’s Faculty of Psychology and Neuroscience, has received an NWO Vici grant of 1.5 million euros. The amount is earmarked for research into the timely identification of children in need of extra support to...

  • Four Maastricht research teams are starting their projects funded with money from the Open Competition of grant provider ZonMw. In addition, a Nijmegen research team has been awarded, which includes Harro van Lente, professor of Science and Technology Studies at Maastricht University (UM).

  • Eight of the 23 bachelor’s programmes at Maastricht University (UM) that were assessed have been voted the best in the country. Six UM programmes have also been awarded ‘Top-rated Programme’ status. The rankings were published today in the university guide Keuzegids Universiteiten 2023.

  • The International Council on Alcohol, Drugs & Traffic Safety (ICADTS) has released new guidelines summarizing the most recent research on cannabis-impaired driving.

  • Researchers at the Maastricht MultiModal Molecular Imaging Institute (M4i) have collaborated on a study to improve small intestine organoids. The new organoids also contain Paneth cells and are therefore a complete representation of the human small intestine.

  • A research done at Maastricht University shows why women choose to undergo cosmetic surgery and ignore the associated physical and psychological risks. Surprisingly, this is mostly not so because they are insecure about their looks, but because they believe ‘looking pretty’ makes them more...

  • Too broad, too vague, too little disciplinary depth – these arguments are often used by critics when talking about Liberal Arts Education (LAE). Research by PhD candidate Milan Kovačević of University College Maastricht (UCM) shows that there is no evidence of such academic shortcomings among LAE...