
  • Alisa moved from Moscow to the Netherlands at 17 years old to become a first-year Regenerative Medicine and Technology (RMT) bachelor’s student. Turns out Alisa’s adventurous spirit pushes her to brand-new things, such as the RMT bachelor’s programme and her hobby Tribal Fusion dancing.

  • In the upcoming months, the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences will share tips on Instagram on how to live a healthier life. Not just a random collection, but tips based on actual research happening at our faculty. The brains behind this idea are Lieve Vonken and Gido Metz, PhD candidates...

  • Christian Hoebe, professor of Social Medicine and head of Infectious Disease Control at the GGD Zuid-Limburg, discusses his passion for social medicine, his childhood in Alkmaar and, of course, the fight against COVID-19.

  • “Be supportive and open.” This is Dr Anita Vreugdenhil’s advice to parents when it comes to communicating with their children about the corona crisis. Vreugdenhil is a paediatrician at the Maastricht UMC+ and founder and head of the Centre for Overweight Adolescent and Children’s Healthcare (COACH).

  • Associate Professor in public health ethics Peter Schröder-Bäck studied the effects of the European debt crisis on health. He is now advising  policymakers across Europe on the ethics of responding to the corona crisis.

  • A video interview with Prof. Philippe Lambin

  • Maurice Zeegers is not only professor of Complex Genetics and Epidemiology, but also scientific director of the Maastricht research school CAPHRI (Care and Public Health Research Institute). And during these corona times, he also functions as research partner of the WHO Evidence Collaborative. A...

  • Interview with prof. Peter Peters on the Science article he co-worked on intensively.

  • Fatigue, headaches, irritability, or sleep problems? These might be symptoms of stress caused by the unfamiliar demands of working from home. Angelique de Rijk studies work stress in nurses – and worries about the current situation and the transition back to normal.

  • SHE Collaborates is part of the Maastricht School of Health Professions Education (SHE), and in simple terms you could describe it as the ‘development cooperation department’ of the Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences. How is director Geraldine Beaujean coping now the corona crisis has...