Collaboration Radboud University

More teachers in Limburg: joint Maastricht-Radboud teacher training programme expands options

Two years ago, Maastricht University and Radboud University launched a joint offer to get more first-degree teachers into the classroom in the Dutch province of Limburg. The focus then was on lateral entrants from outside education and second-degree teachers who wanted to obtain their first-degree qualification. From next academic year, regular students from Maastricht University can also participate in the joint teacher training programme, which takes place partly in Nijmegen, partly in Maastricht.

Education in Nijmegen on Mondays, in front of the classroom as a Teacher in Training (LIO) on Tuesdays to Thursdays and education in Maastricht on Fridays. That is what a week looks like for those following the joint teacher training programme of Radboud University and Maastricht University. The offer is part of the two universities' collaboration programme. 

So far: lateral entrants

So far, about ten lateral entrants, people from outside education who want to start as teachers, have taken advantage of the offer. Not massive numbers, but that wasn’t something the two universities expected - especially among people for whom the step to becoming a teacher means a career switch, which they often think about for some time.

The participants who came in via this route also preferred one longer teaching day in Nijmegen (as is the case for other students at the Radboud Teachers' Academy) instead of two shorter ones in Nijmegen and Maastricht.

Now also for regular students

From September 2024, regular students at Maastricht University - which does not have its own offer in first-grade teacher training courses - can also take advantage of the joint offer and lectures in Nijmegen and Maastricht. Students can register for 19 different school subjects. With more fellow LIOs (leraren in opleiding, teachers in training) taking courses at both locations, the collaborating universities hope to contribute to more first-degree teachers in front of the classroom in Limburg. 

Juanita Vernooy, project leader of teacher training at Maastricht University, is pleased with the expansion of the offer. 'We can now train students in the region, with internships in the region as well. In this way, we hope to retain more talented teachers for Limburg. The reactions we get to open days and online information sessions are positive and applications are coming in. Should you also be interested, please contact us.' 

Promo lerarenopleiding

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