Mini-symposium and book launch Restorative justice through the eyes of...

On 29 June, our faculty hosted the mini-symposium and book presentation 'Restorative Justice through the Eyes of.... Reflections on restorative justice from 27 different perspectives' took place.

We look back on a very successful afternoon. This book is not the end, but the beginning of our efforts to achieve more multi- and interdisciplinary cooperation in the field of restorative justice - both in and around the criminal justice system and in civil society.

In the volume (ed. Jacques Claessen & Anneke Van Hoek, Boom criminologie, The Hague, 2022, 565p.) no less than 36 authors reflect on the phenomenon of restorative justice from their own discipline and expertise: biology (Jan van Hooff), neurobiology (Lucres Nauta-Jansen and Helena Oldenhof), psychotraumatology (Jacky June ter Heide), neuropsychology and philosophy (Jan Verplaetse), emotion science (Agneta Fischer and Lisanne Pauw), victimology (Jo-Anne Wemmers), gender studies (Dieneke de Vos) sociology (Beate Völker), public administration (Ronald van Steden), economics (Bart Nooteboom), photography and architecture (Robert Glas), cultural anthropology (Toon van Meijl), colonial history (Gert Oostindie), corporate anthropology (Walter Faaij), natural and environmental philosophy (Koo van der Wal), legal theory and philosophy (Constantijn Kelk), human rights (Quirine Eijkman), therapeutic jurisprudence (Iris Becx, Nieke Elbers and Arno Akkermans), preventive law (Erik van de Luijtgaarden), transitional justice (Pema Doornenbal and Marieke Wierda), international security studies (Theo Brinkel and Daan van den Wollenberg), literary studies (Frans-Willem Korsten), communication studies (Mark van Vuuren and Korien van Vuuren-Verkerk), nonviolent communication (Justine Mol and Sofie Bakker), Buddhology (Cuong Lu), Judeo-Christian theology (Theo de Wit) and Islamology (Jan-Michiel Otto and Suliman Ibrahim).

Charles Groenhuijsen wrote the foreword and received the first copy of the volume from the hands of the editors. He also led with verve the panel discussions and pitch rounds during the mini-symposium.

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