Mike Gerards receives €60.000 Metakids-grant
Mike Gerards is currently working at The Maastricht Centre for Systems Biology (MaCSBio). His project focuses on the identification and functional characterization of novel genes involved in mitochondria (more specifically in mtDNA replication) and screening these genes for mutations in patients.
“We have used computational and evolutionary methods for the identification of the genes and now we’re going to functionally examine these genes in more detail.You could say this project embodiessystems biology (in my eyes). It goes from modeling and computational analysis to validation in the lab and finally application to patients.”
About Metakids
Metakids is an organization that aims to find treatment for metabolic diseases. Metabolic diseases are very serious, often hereditary diseases and are probably the most common cause of death amongst children. That is why Metakids subsidizes research in metabolic diseases in order to obtain more knowledge which helps the development of treatment.

About MaCSBio
The primary aim of the Maastricht Centre for Systems Biology (MaCSBio) is to facilitate the integration of biological data coming from several empirical domains using mathematical multi-scale modelling approaches. The centre is a joint initiative of the Faculty of Psychology & Neuroscience, Faculty of Health, Medicine & Life Sciences, and Faculty of Humanities and Sciences.

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