MCEL/RENFORCE webinar on the New Pact on Migration and Asylum

On 20th October 2020, MCEL member Assistant Professor Lilian Tsourdi jointly convened an inter-institutional webinar with Dr. Salvo Nicolosi, Assistant Professor in Utrecht and RENFORCE member. The MCEL/RENFORCE webinar brought together academics and policy-makers to comment the New Pact on Migration and Asylum released by the European Commission on the 23rd September 2020. 


The Pact’s constitutional design, its reception by the co-legislators (Council and European Parliament), the evolving role of EU agencies at the external borders, co-operation with third countries, solidarity, and emergency management were some of the issues that were debated. The webinar was attended by over 100 participants. 


Apart from the co-convenors, the webinar featured the contributions of MCEL co-director Prof. Bruno De Witte, Prof. Daniel Thym (University of Konstanz), Ms. Nanda Kellij (Dutch Ministry of Justice), Prof. Philippe De Bruycker (Université libre de Bruxelles & Odysseus Network), Prof. Dina Siegel (University of Utrecht), Prof. Paul Minderhoud (Universities of Utrecht & Nijmegen), and MEP Tineke Strik (Group of the Greens MEP & University of Nijmegen).

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