Maastricht scores high again in European Law Moot Court Competition

From 28th of February until 2nd of March, the Maastricht team participated in the regional final of the European Law Moot Court held at the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. This year’s case related to independence of judges in an EU Member State under a rule of law (Article 7(2) TEU) procedure. It also concerned the hierarchy between national courts and the tensions between hate speech and freedom of speech.


The Maastricht team composed of Samantha Scarpa Ferraglio, Eva Bukaiová, and Jonah Thompson performed extremely well in this prestigious bilingual (French/English) competition. After a grand performance in the final of the regional, they got the second place. Tim Ceurremans who acted as a Commission agent scored as high as the team and also delivered a tremendous performance.

Besides their excellent analytical and pleading skills which were emphasized by the judges after the competition, their coach (Pauline Melin) would like to point out the great personality, dedication and friendliness of each of the team member.

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