Maastricht Science Programme alumna wins Darwin thesis award

Maastricht Science Programme alumna: Liline Fermin, won the Darwin thesis award at the National Biology Students Conference 2019. 

Darwin bachelor's thesis award

Liline bachelor's thesis was selected along with two others to compete for the Darwin bachelor's thesis award. All candidates got the chance to present their work. After the presentations, the jury selected Liline's bachelor's thesis as the best one. This means she got to take home the award.

This is the second time in five years that Maastricht Science Programme wins the Darwin bachelor's thesis award. The prize is awarded each year to the bachelor's thesis in the field of biology that shows high quality of the research done.

Another Maastricht Science Programme alumna, Julie Grosse-Sommer, presented her bachelor's thesis research with a poster, winning her the audience poster prize.

MSP alumna wins Darwin bachelor's thesis award

National Biology Students Conference (NCBS)

The NCBS is an annual conference organised by the National Platform of Biology Students. Here, excellent tudents from all biology programmes in the Netherlands get the change to compete for the Darwin thesis awards, the national prizes for the best bachelor's or master's thesis in the field of biology.

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