Maastricht researchers participate in Knowledge Agenda for Climate and Health
On behalf of Maastricht University, researchers Maud Huynen and Pim Martens have contributed to the development of the Knowledge Agenda for Climate and Health. This agenda was established in collaboration with the RIVM and Wageningen University & Research for ZonMw. The agenda brings together existing knowledge, identifies knowledge gaps and describes the research needed to mitigate the health risks related to climate change.
Climate and health
Climate and health were studied in relation to sustainability, our natural and living environment, behaviour and nutrition. The effects of climate change - such as flooding, temperature changes, drought and water availability - have a major impact on our public health, society and economy, as described in the ‘Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change’. The Netherlands is already seeing a number of developments like changes in allergies and heat stress. Our health is also affected by measures aimed at preventing or adapting to climate change (mitigation and adaptation). Action is needed to minimise greenhouse gas emissions and reduce the impact this has on health and the health sector.
The knowledge agenda provides an important foundation for a possible long-term ZonMw climate research programme. Researchers at Maastricht University eventually hope to work on the research together with other knowledge partners to answer the questions posed in the knowledge agenda.
For more information on the knowledge agenda, click here. (Dutch only)
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