Lectures at CUFE and CUPL

Lectures at CUFE and CUPL

On Tuesday 18 June 2019 Michael Faure gave a lecture at the School for Law and Economics of the China University of Political Science and Law (CUPL) in Beijing, China. The title of the lecture was “What can Europe learn from law and economics? The environmental case”. Michael presented the economics of federalism and applied it to environmental policy, arguing that law and economics (and more particularly the economics of federalism) have an important contribution to the debate on the specific tasks and competences of the EU.

An accompanying paper was presented by Prof. Cao Mingde (CUPL) who presented on the regulation of carbon emissions. Five discussants provided comments, among whom Dr. Lü Mengxing, currently lecturer at CUPL, who defended her PhD thesis at Maastricht University on 18 September 2017 (a commercial version of this thesis has just been published under the title 'Corporate Social and Environmental Responsibility. Another Road to China’s Sustainable Development', Leiden/Boston, Brill/Nijhoff, 2019).

Furthermore, also on 18 June 2019, METRO co-organized an International Seminar on Competition and Public and Private Regulation, at the Law School of the Central University of Finance and Economics (CUFE). Michael Faure presented a talk based on a joint paper with Niels Philipsen on “Private standardisation from a law and economics perspective”. The economic literature on standardisation was summarized and some of the advantages and disadvantages of private standard-setting from an economic perspective were sketched.

At the CUFE seminar also Dr. Shi Mengmeng was one of the speakers. Dr. Shi defended her PhD thesis on 3 October 2017 at Maastricht University (The divestiture remedies under merger control in the US, the EU and China. A comparative law and economics perspective). She spoke at the Conference on 'The choice of merger remedies: behavioural or structural?'.

Participants CUFE seminar
Michael Faure chairing

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