Last call to become the engineer of the future!

Are you still on the lookout for a technical bachelor’s programme? Do you wish to contribute to a greener future with your studies? The application deadline for the BSc Circular Engineering has been extended. EU/EEA-students can now apply up to and including 1 August 2021.

The BSc Circular Engineering trains you to deal with the engineering challenges arising from the transition to the circular economy. In contrast to the 'take-make-dispose' model of the linear economy, a circular economy is a closed-loop system in which raw materials, components and products retain their value as much as possible. Circular engineers design, implement and optimise technical solutions to enable this transition toward a sustainable society and industry.

The programme draws on the broad expertise of the research groups and institutes within the Faculty of Science and Engineering to equip you with the multidisciplinary toolset needed to contribute to a brighter and greener future.

The programme is among the first technical studies with an open curriculum. After receiving a broad and solid engineering foundation in the first year, the second year consists of elective courses, allowing you to shape your own academic profile to your strengths, interests and ambitions. In the third year, you choose to specialise in one of three engineering domains:

  • Circular Chemical Engineering
  • Sustainable Biotechnology
  • Engineering Physics for Sustainable Manufacturing
Apply now

In combination with Maastricht University’s small-scale and personal approach to education, international classrooms and intensive guidance of students, the BSc Circular Engineering is truly a unique programme and great way to start your technical career.

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