Keuzegids Masters 2019: two designated ‘top rated programmes’ at FASoS
In the annual Keuzegids Masters FASoS has two designated ‘top rated programmes’: the Research masters European Studies (overall score of 78), and Cultures of Arts, Science and Technology (overall score 86).
This quality label is given only to those programmes that receive a score of 76 or higher in the Keuzegids assessment. Maastricht University has been ranked as the country’s best university.
Furthermore in the category European Studies we also hold place 2 en 3 with respectively the Master European Studies and the Master European Studies on Society, Science and Technology.
The Keuzegids
The Keuzegids Masters rankings are based on student satisfaction scores from the National Student Survey (70%) and assessments by the accreditation organisation NVAO (30%). For more information on the assessment methodology, please visit
The Keuzegids Masters is compiled and published by the Centre for Higher Education Information (CHOI) in Leiden.
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