Kansfonds supports coaching project for highschool students in Limburg
The Match for Brighter Futures project, in which Maastricht University students provide homework guidance and coaching to underprivileged secondary school students, received a financial contribution of € 6,000 from the Kansfonds. Another € 4000 is awarded by the Robin Jung Fonds.
Match for Brighter Futures started in 2018 and has been achieving excellent results ever since. The corona crisis and the accompanying home learning hit vulnerable young people hard. Support is now extra important for these young people, as the controversial documentary “Klassen” (HUMAN) about inequality in education has made clear. A project in which students offer free homework guidance and coaching to high school students provides relief, sees also the Kansfonds.
Now, there are more than 20 students active in the project. They offer homework guidance and coaching to high school students in underprivileged situations. These students are less likely to have a successful study or career because of their circumstances. With the project, Match offers high school students a safe place to learn and develop. For university students, it is an opportunity to experience the benefits of social engagement.
Charlotte van Beek, volunteer, describes her experience in the project as follows: “As a student you are challenged again and again, you learn something new every tutoring session and you really build a bond with your student. In addition, experiencing that aha moment (because of your explanation!) is really worth it. With a small investment of your time, you can make a difference for these students. "
Despite corona, major steps were taken in the past year. The Stichting Zonnige Jeugd, Maastricht University and the municipality of Maastricht already pledged their support to the project. Match now has a partnership with 5 secondary schools in Maastricht. In the past year, the student associations Circumflex, Tragos and Saurus became partners for the recruitment of students.
Merijn Claus, care coordinator at the Sint-Maartenscollege is enthusiastic about the initiative: “Our school is participating in the MFBF project for the second year. A wonderful initiative with a great social function! We notice that our students experience this low-threshold support and coaching as valuable; they feel helped and understood. The collaboration with the project coordinator and the students / UM is also very pleasant. We are getting good responses from the students involved. A great project with a real win-win character. ”
Match wants to further expand the project in the coming academic year. Project coordinator Jacoline Tanis hopes to at least double the number of students and pupils participating in the project. The subsidies from Maastricht University, the Municipality of Maastricht, Stichting Zonnige Jeugd and the Kansfonds are a big step in the right direction.
Students who would like to take part can apply here
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