Jacobine van den Brink appointed as professor of European and National Administrative Law

20 July 2016

The department of Public Law is very pleased to announce that the Executive Board has appointed mr. dr. J.E. (Jacobine) van den Brink as professor of European and National Administrative Law as per 1 July 2016. The vacancy for this chair arose because prof.dr. Chris Backes accepted a professorship at Utrecht University.

Jacobine van den Brink studied Dutch law at the University of Utrecht. In September 2002 she graduated cum laude in the specializations Constitutional and Administrative Law, European Law and Taxation Law. After her studies Jacobine worked for five years at the Administrative Law Division of the Council of State. From 1 September 2007 to 1 January 2012 Jacobine was a PhD student at the Department of Constitutional and Administrative Law of the University of Leiden directed by Professor W. (Willemien) den Ouden and dr. P.C. Adriaanse.

In December 2012 she obtained her doctorate with a thesis on "The implementation of European subsidy schemes in the Netherlands. Legal problems and challenges". In 2012 she was seconded for two days per week to the Council of State as an advisor on the impact of EU law on national law and in 2013 she was seconded for three months to the European Commission, DG Competition where she was involved in the modernization of state aid law. Since 1 January 2013 she works as assistant professor of Constitutional and Administrative law at Leiden University. The research conducted by Jacobine focuses on the interference between EU and national administrative law, more specifically in the field of (EU) subsidy law and state aid. Furthermore she teaches in bachelor (Procedural administrative law) as well as in master courses (Administrative law in the European legal order) and gives many post-academic courses in the area of (European) subsidy law and European administrative law. From 2007 until 2014 she was member of the Board of the Dutch Association of European Law. Furthermore Jacobine has been accepted for membership of the European Group of Public Law. In 2015 Jacobine was appointed as a substitute-judge at the The Hague District Court (section administrative law). She is also chairman of the commission of appeal of the Royal Library and member of several editorial boards. Furthermore she is one of the initiators of the ‘Studiegroep Europese Subsidies’ (European subsidies study group), which created a network on the interactive website LinkedIn (named Netwerk Europese subsidies).

As professor of European and National Administrative Law, Jacobine van den Brink will be responsible for the courses in national administrative law, including procedural law, European administrative law and comparative administrative law. She will also supervise PhD candidates and she will initiate, carry out, supervise and coordinate research, including externally funded projects, in the field of European, comparative and national administrative law.

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