Harro van Lente appointed chair NWO committee

Harro van Lente has been appointed as the chairman of the NWO assessment committee for proposals on Responsible Innovation in the area of High Tech Systems and Materials (HTSM).

To ensure that these HTSM research projects lead to socially responsible innovations, NWO has decided to offer the possibility of integrating some of these projects with MVI research. MVI stands for Maatschappelijk Verantwoord Innoveren (Responsible Innovation), the approach that NWO has developed for research into the ethical and social aspects (such as legal, sociological, economic and psychological aspects) of technological and other innovations. 

The proposals focus on important societal challenges and the innovations required for these. They address the societal aspects of these (technological) innovations at an early stage so that they can be taken into account during the design and development phase.

 More information on the NWO website

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