ENEAR 2019 organised by SBE's Accounting department

Scholars from around the world enjoyed 2. ENEAR conference in Maastricht


In 2014, colleagues from Leuven, the Free University Amsterdam and the University of Amsterdam initiated ENEAR (European Network for Experimental Accounting Research), a platform for experimental accounting researchers to get connected and share their ideas. Besides a biannual workshop for PhD students, ENEAR organises a biannual research conference.

The second ENEAR conference was hosted this year in Maastricht and organized by our department members Alexander Brüggen, Katlijn Haesebrouck, and Christoph Feichter. About 60 participants not only from several European countries but also from Japan, Australia and the U.S. joined to present and reflect on topics such as reporting frequency, the effect of relative performance evaluation on creativity, or the role of profit-sharing arrangements to motivate employees. Prof. Andrew Newman from the University of South Carolina and Prof. Kristina Rennekamp from Cornell University gave two inspiring plenary talks. Both shared their views on the challenges of designing a good experiment and how to attract an adequate pool of participants. New to this conference were special sessions for research proposals where participants could discuss in-depth the potential design of an experiment to address their research question. The response to these new sessions was overwhelmingly positive and they will become an integral part at the upcoming events. The accounting community enjoyed the conference, especially in combination with the outstanding Maastricht weather and the friendly and pleasant atmosphere also outside the seminar rooms. We are already looking forward to the next edition of the ENEAR conference!

For more information, have a look at the ENEAR website.


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