Congratulations to Hannah Brodersen who has been awarded the Modderman Prize 2022

16 September 2022

The Modderman Prize is awarded once every two years to advance research in the field of criminal law science.

Hannah Brodersen, currently working as a postdoc at the Université de Neuchâtel (Switzerland), was awarded the Prize for her Doctoral thesis ‘Longer than life: How the ICTY strengthened the rule of law in Bosnia and Herzegovina and Serbia’, which she wrote at the University of Maastricht under the supervision of Professor A.H. Klip and Professor E. Versluis.

The Modderman Prize
The prize is awarded by the Professor A.E.J. Modderman Foundation which is affiliated with Leiden University. It aims to advance research in the field of criminal law science. The prize is awarded once every two years to a person who defended a doctoral thesis at a Dutch University in the previous two years on a topic about criminal law and other related science, insofar as relevant for a good understanding of criminal law, and demonstrating particular scientific qualities.

About Professor A.E.J. Modderman (1838-1885)
He was Professor of  Criminal Law in Leiden from 1870-1879 and later Dutch Minister of Justice. On the back, the motto of Leiden University is displayed as an artistic image.

A.E.J. Modderman studied law in Leiden and was awarded a doctorate there in 1863 for his doctoral thesis entitled ‘The reform of our criminal legislation’. In 1864 he became a professor at the predecessor to the University of Amsterdam. This was followed by a professorship in Leiden in 1870. From 1870, he was also a member of the Government Committee for the compilation of a Penal Code. As Minister of Justice (1879-1883), among other things, he brought about a new Penal Code.

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