Cleanup Stadspark Maastricht

Precious Plastic Maastricht is hosting a festival: The Mass Maas Cleanup on June 15th at the Tapijnkazerne in Maastricht!

Precious Plastic Maastricht is hosting a festival: The Mass Maas Cleanup on June 15th at the Tapijnkazerne in Maastricht! This one-day festival will be for every community of Maastricht; the students, the locals and everyone in between. What is there to do at this event? In the morning, there will be a cleanup. We will start off with the clean-up in the Stadspark at 10:00hrs, where visitors can help the municipalities cleaning staff with their work to see how much the park gets polluted in just a few days. After this experience, a free lunch will be provided by Daniel Speek’s Bread Connection for everyone who participated in the clean-up. The afternoon will be filled with workshops focused on sustainability. Workshops will be geared towards all ages and all levels of environmental-awareness. There will be an information market showcasing environmental organizations and other organizations here in Maastricht. And a festival isn’t complete without music!

We may be the ones planning it, but this is something by the whole community and for the whole community. This festival is meant to highlight how a sustainable lifestyle can be achieved here in Maastricht. This is a great opportunity for everyone living in Maastricht to get to know each other and work together for a better future, so we would like to invite everyone who is interested in making a change for the environment to join us and get the chance to take action right away.

Find more information on our organization and the festival at:–-potential-waste

And on our Facebook page: Precious Plastic Maastricht

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